Anark 4.5.90 Release Announcement - January 17, 2025

Anark 4.5.90 Release Announcement

January 17, 2025- Publishing, sharing, and collaborating on the highest quality engineering product data is complex business. Our Engineering team has put in the work to improve product quality, enhance flexibility for IT admins, expand features for end users and improve processing performance for specific areas.

Anark Release 4.5.90 includes the following enhancements, new features, and bug fixes. Additional information can be found in the product documentation included with the release and please also look at the Anark Software Release Download Page

Note the next release will be 4.6.0 and the main reason behind the new release numbering scheme is to move to major.minor.patch scheme where a patch could be a bugfix. Customers should not feel obligated to take patch releases but should consider taking minor or major updates. Please contact Anark Support if you have any questions about this or the content of any release.

Here is also a downloadable PDF version of Release 4.5.90 information.

Anark Release 4.5.90

Anark Publish Upgrades

When upgrading Anark Publish to versions 4.5.85 and later from 4.5.83 or older, you must uninstall the old version before upgrading to new versions.

Example: If you are on 4.5.80, and will upgrade to this latest release of 4.5.90, you must uninstall 4.5.80 and then install 4.5.90.

Features and Enhancements

Our latest release includes enhancement requests driven from customers like you, planned product features that improve the value of our products, and product changes that open new use cases to our customers along with big fixes and more.  Thank you to the many engaged customers who help us align our product strategy with your real-world customer experience.

Anark Collaborate

Content Management updates for organizing, managing, and tracking work.

  • Measurement Tool - Support for multiple Display Units of Measure for Content Items associated with Work Items


Customer feedback and continuous improvement are an important part of how we develop our products. Thank you to all who have recently submitted support tickets so we can deliver you the best overall product quality. Our Product and Engineering teams worked hard to strengthen our products in this release, fixing multiple issues. Anark plans to systematically improve performance similar to what was done below with Creo and this will be an ongoing activity across other CAD formats and areas of the Anark platform.

Anark Collaborate

  • Remove unwanted section lines from rendered output (any bitmap published from Anark Workstation to 3D PDF and/or Anark Collaborate).
  • Fix default permission assignments. With default setup, a Viewer role was consuming a Collaborator license instead of a Viewer license.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect state of Activity Group when creating Activity directly via API.

Anark Workstation and Anark Publish 

  • Remove unwanted section lines from rendered output (any bitmap published from Anark Workstation to PDF and/or Anark Collaborate).
  • Fixed an issue where threaded callouts were not highlighted
  • Fixed an issue where a recipe action Import is complete, but there is no 3D view.
  • Fixed an issue with the Weight parameter on import was named incorrectly.

CAD Integrations and Publishing 

  • Some views were missing from NX imported data.
  • Problem displaying routed cables properly from Creo.
  • Problem with blurry edges in some 3D PDFs.
  • Corrected a situation where some views are not displayed properly in primary 3D views from CATIA import.
  • Optimized SolidWorks Advanced MBD adapter import.
  • Improved performance importing large Creo models via the Creo Advanced MBD Adapter and some changes included:  1. We cleaned some code that traversed the model content multiple times.  2.  Anark cleaned up code responsible for activating views that was unnecessarily happening multiple times. 3. Anark adjusted code responsible for how we import PMI to be more optimal.  For some customer data that was tested, improvements from 2x to 8x were seen depending on model content.  
  • Fixed an issue where an additional component was present in CATIA imports.
  • Fixed a licensing management issue with the Autodesk Inventor MBD Add-In.
  • Fixed an issue with highlighting of CATIA imported files in both Workstation and 3D PDFs.
  • Fixed an issue with extraneous lines in supplemental geometry in CATIA import.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect hide/show states in CATIA import.
  • Fixed an issue with how Large Datum Planes were handled in some CATIA models.

PLM Integrations and Publishing

  • Fixed an issue in WindChill reference integration where data filter rule was not properly applied to secondary attachments of the WTDocument business object.
  • Addressed a problem in the WindChill reference integration where previously copied 3D PDF files were not getting updated on the preferred server location
  • Fixed an issue with Teamcenter reference integration, republishing use case triggered from Dispatcher Administrative Console was failing due to presence of an error file.
  • During republishing, reference integration module now automatically deletes previously published error files.

Support Notices

Siemens Teamcenter Support Notice

Release 4.5.90 now supports the below Teamcenter versions.

  • 13.1
  • 14
  • 2312
  • 2406

Please note that support for Teamcenter 13.1 is now deprecated and will be removed from release 4.6.2

Siemens NX Support Notice

In an upcoming release, we will add support for newer versions of NX and stay tuned. 

PTC Windchill Support Notice

Release 4.5.90 now supports below Windchill versions.

  • 13.0.0

Support for Windchill 13.1.0 & will be added in release 4.6.2

PTC Creo Support Notice

In the upcoming release version 4.6.0, support will be added for Creo 11. Formal support for Creo Version 7 will be removed. The oldest formally supported version of Creo will be 8 at that time.

To receive product release notes and access to downloads as soon as they happen, sign up for our newsletter

Recent topics of interest in releases include the below and much more that can be found at the News portion of the website or we can provide documents as needed:

  • Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Lo-Code Template Introduction
  • Measurement
  • Anark Collaborate for DODI Digital Engineering 5000.97
  • Anark 3Di (3D PDF) TDP's for MIL-STD-31000B with ITI CADIQ Validation
  • Anark Collaborate and Work Items.

For more information in this or any previous releases Contact us and Current customers can use our Support Portal

About the Author

Team Anark